Activity demonstrations:
Level: Basic
Activity: Identify vocabulary through a game.
In pairs students will enter to the link that the teacher points them at a power point presentation. They will have to play a specific game (one pointed by the teacher) this game will have relation to the topic they are studying. In this case the specific topic will be verbs.
Technologies used:
Webpage http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/
(In this site you can find a great variety of grammar explanations, games, and exercises that are graded for each level of English).
This activity is aimed to children of 3rd grade of elementary. The principal goal is to increase the lexicon of the students in specific topics, thus they will understand a greater variety of familiar terms used in their lives.
Conditions that this activity follows:
Interaction: This activity is made for students to help their partner if they need some help. They can support each other with ideas in the development of the activity.
Meaningful Activities: As this activity was created with a specific purpose it is meaningful for students because they will be able to put in practice what they were taught. Besides in this activity children are allowed to identify and associate the spelling of the word with a picture, which is very good for visual style students.
Exposure to/Creation of varied language: New language is introduced in this activity through the game.
5. Right Amount of time/Feedback: the children are given a more and less fixed amount of time to do the activity, besides the game has a clock which registers the time it takes fulfill the activity.
6. Appropriate for Styles, Personalities and Intelligences: The main resources used are specially created for visual students but the entire activity involves others things as to be creative and it stimulates intelligence.
7. Motivating: The games are very motivating for students because they are full of color and images.
8. Student-centered: This activity allows students to work without the teacher guidance all the time; they can create independence from the teacher and can find help in their classmates also, of course the teacher can give them some pieces of advice in case they need it.
9. Autonomy: This activity provides the children very much autonomy from the teacher, but also creates a greater level of confidence between students and the teacher.
10. Multimodal: The activity principally works with images and also presents text, so the students can see the equivalent of the word or action of the verb through a picture.
11. Comfortable Environment: As the students work in front of a computer and in pairs they feel themselves very comfortable doing the activity.
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