My personal understanding of “Teaching through content”, “Teaching through social interaction”, and “Having higher expectations” is that in every single class we teach, we should try to incorporate these 3 stretegies for getting a better class environment and a better students' learning process.
Teaching through content is a great way to get students involved and also engaged in what we are teaching them. If we, teachers of English, consider what the subjects that our students are studying are, and if we try to incorpotare them into the learning of their second or foreign language, then the learning process will be really meaningful, and the students will conserve it forever.
The idea of pair or group work is a useful tool for teaching a language, of course, it is a useful and complete way of learning a language. Always that interaction is present, there is learning. Interaction is a very complicated concept because it does not just mean that ther are two o more people working together but it means that those peolpe are working for a common purpose.
It is also necessary to mention that our students are always aware of everything that happens inside and also outside the classroom, and they absorve all the possible expectations we, as teachers, have to them. So, it is extremelly important to have faith in them, thus, they unconciously will expand their potential, and consequently, improve their level of English.
How would you incorporate them in your classses?

I would try to use them all the most I could, I would try to make projects in which the students could apply real, interesting, and relevant content that are useful for them and of course useful for the purpose of our class. These projects would have to be carried out in groups and with a very clear and specific purpose. besides, these projects would have to consider the level of proficiency of my students when using the language. In this way I could evaluate what is challenging for them and something that they can get with a feeling of satisfaction.