-Coursebook: Test Bank for understanding and using English Grammar. 3rd Edition. Mark Wade Lieu.
-Content: Review of verb tenses.
-Grade: 12th grade
-Ask students to work in pairs with their coursebook.
-Ask them to build an interesting interview to apply it to an important member of the School Staff, using the cuestions in Chapter 1, page 1.
-Then, ask the students to apply the intervieew they made to an important membre of the School Staff.
-When they are done, ask them to notice which verb times the interviewed used to describe what they answered.
-Finally, ask the students to make a short report of what they learnt.
What does Language through content mean to you?
Language through content means to me the best way to teach a language, it is useful because with this way of teaching students can understand the real purpose of what they are doing. Besides, students can apply what the are learning in the classroom rightly outside it.
Am I smarter than any book?
Of course!! Although books have great ideas to teach, sometime they do not consider the context in which the students are immerse. Is there, when I can leave my imagination fly and be creative, it is that the time to get closer my students and consider their real interests and learning styles.
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