1. What role do you think technology does take/can take in learning?
Teachnology is an important resource because it provoques a meaninful learning. It is a facilitator, and it motivates the students for a better learning.
Through this answer it is possible to have an idea of the approach adopted by this teacher. As almost the majority of chilean teachers, this is a most intrumentalist one. He considers technology as a tool to obtain the desired objectives.
2. What role should the learner take in the classroom?
The role of the learner is to be a receptive person, and a builder of his own knowledge. He should be very active in the classroom.
3. What role should the teacher take in the classroom?
The teachers’ roles are:
- They should be facilitators of their students’ learning
- They should be a collaborator for student in the discovering of his own learning
- They should make the students build his own knowledge
Through these two answers I realise that this teacher is a learner- centered one. Despite he answered in the first question that he thought that the learner’s role is the one of a receptive person, he repeats several times that are the students the ones who must build their own learning.
4. What does good teaching look like?
Good sense of humor, a great knowledge and expertise on the topic he teaches, collaborator, and he should establish a good raport with his students.
I am sure that the teacher did not understand my question (as it was sent via e-mail) therefore this answer, I think, does not have much validity.
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